Thursday, October 16, 2008

In Demand

I have been asked this week by both grandmas if I have added photos to the blog. So as requested, here is Elijah at two months. He has grown so much. I took him to the doctor yesterday because he has a little eye infection. He weighed in at 11.5 pounds. I told Chad I was sad about how fast he is growing and his reply was, "he can't stay little forever." I am enjoying him so much. He has become quite a bit more alert and has begun to make cute little noises. He loves to be held. We just bought a nice new fancy swing and he hates it. :( That translates into I don't get as much done as I would like. Don't tell Chad, but I secretly love it...he's only little once. And as I have stated I am sad at how fast he is growing and changing. I have included a short video of him. If you want to turn off the music on the blog just press pause on the music player. Also, if you want to see any of the images larger all you have to do is click on them with your mouse. Enjoy...we are!

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Dust + Hil said...

He is a very handsome boy. You almost had me fooled on the dare to compare because they do look so much alike.

Unknown said...

Heather, he so so adorable! And I love that blue blanket he's sitting on.